⭐️ UNDETECTABLE: The collection includes pants and a long-sleeved shirt that comes in two color options - black-gray and black-red. Available sizes are S/M, L/XL, and 2XL/3XL.
⭐️ ROBUST: the underwear is easy to clean and dries quickly. Due to the polyamide content, the material does not wear out even after repeated washing and wearing
⭐️ COMFORTABLE: extra flat seams provide comfort and freedom of movement, even under jeans and sweaters * material: 70% polyamide, 22% polyester, 8% elastane
⭐️ BREATHABLE: carefully placed inserts help air circulation and heat regulation. The air-permeable material prevents cooling or overheating
⭐️ VERSATILE: the functional underwear keeps warm not only during winter sports but also when walking the dog or visiting the christmas market